Friday, March 7, 2008


1)The main character of my book Slaughterhouse Five is Yon Yonson who lives in Wisconsin. And he is World War II who is loony after surviving a plane crash and then he starts to remember the dramatic times in Dresden where he fought. Yon Yonson is a quiet character when it comes to speaking but when time comes to put his thoughts on paper he has no holding back on what he thinks.
2)Now, comparing myself to Yon Yonson there really isn't much similarities only the fact that we are both quiet people, but there are many differences. He is the kind of person that expresses his thoughts and I'm not. He is kind of a person who looks for attention and I'm a person who don't like attention. And yeah, thats basically it.
3)If I was the main character I would see myself in my basement making up little stories and I'm in my stool at my desk with only one light on the paper. I could hear all the bad bombings that I am used to and scared of hearing from the war in Dresden. I can also hear my daughter always calling my name to see if I'm alright. I really don't know what I'll be smelling or tasting. I would feel isolated and unwanted for the stuff I am writing in the newspaper. But at the same time I can see that there are lots of people that care for me.

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