Friday, April 4, 2008


1) The project of the novel, I think, is a boring excuse for killing trees. Just Kidding. At the moment I don't know what the project of my novel is to be and right now I have no direction on where the stories going.
2) The main conflict of the novel is a self conflict. The main character is struggling with himself by remembering the his time in the war in Dresden. Whenever something happens in the current time he is living something reminds him of the war. I find this a drag because I hate to hear about his war times.
3) I cant answer the question fully at the time but I'm guessing it is to show that the main character is crazy.
4) Another element that contributes to the project is the other conflict to society. He has a conflict with society because they think he is crazy for what he writes for the newspaper and nobody will believe him and thinks he is crazy. His daughter also thinks this about her dad.

Friday, March 28, 2008


#1) and #2) This is a symbol. The main character, Yon Yonson, sees and talks about how he is abducted by aliens and how he was also abducted the day of his daughters wedding and was held there for many years. The symbol is his craziness. This is a symbol. He seems to reminiscent on how bad his war days were. This is a symbol on how traumatized he is from the that. This is a symbol.

#3) At this time I kinda know the project of my book and it is to show how loony this guy really is.

Friday, March 14, 2008


1)I think that my book is completely original and some of the story sounds like it has parts of other stories that I have read such as the parts of a man going crazy after fighting the war in Dresden. It is typical that this will happen. I am probably sure that this story does have another version to be told.
2)What makes my story old news is that I really don't find my story all that interesting. I really hate how he goes back in time and remembers his time in the war. I honestly hate war books because they are boring. This is my opinion.
3)I think that the writer could come up with something better than reminiscing his times in the war and getting the reader confused about what day of age it is. He could also have made it more interesting if there were n

Friday, March 7, 2008


1)The main character of my book Slaughterhouse Five is Yon Yonson who lives in Wisconsin. And he is World War II who is loony after surviving a plane crash and then he starts to remember the dramatic times in Dresden where he fought. Yon Yonson is a quiet character when it comes to speaking but when time comes to put his thoughts on paper he has no holding back on what he thinks.
2)Now, comparing myself to Yon Yonson there really isn't much similarities only the fact that we are both quiet people, but there are many differences. He is the kind of person that expresses his thoughts and I'm not. He is kind of a person who looks for attention and I'm a person who don't like attention. And yeah, thats basically it.
3)If I was the main character I would see myself in my basement making up little stories and I'm in my stool at my desk with only one light on the paper. I could hear all the bad bombings that I am used to and scared of hearing from the war in Dresden. I can also hear my daughter always calling my name to see if I'm alright. I really don't know what I'll be smelling or tasting. I would feel isolated and unwanted for the stuff I am writing in the newspaper. But at the same time I can see that there are lots of people that care for me.

Friday, February 29, 2008


The Novel that I am going to read is called Slaughter House Five. It seems pretty interesting, so yeah.