Friday, April 4, 2008


1) The project of the novel, I think, is a boring excuse for killing trees. Just Kidding. At the moment I don't know what the project of my novel is to be and right now I have no direction on where the stories going.
2) The main conflict of the novel is a self conflict. The main character is struggling with himself by remembering the his time in the war in Dresden. Whenever something happens in the current time he is living something reminds him of the war. I find this a drag because I hate to hear about his war times.
3) I cant answer the question fully at the time but I'm guessing it is to show that the main character is crazy.
4) Another element that contributes to the project is the other conflict to society. He has a conflict with society because they think he is crazy for what he writes for the newspaper and nobody will believe him and thinks he is crazy. His daughter also thinks this about her dad.